Fly now, pay later

Flyup is the new, cheaper and smarter way to book your flights

Why choose Flyup?

  • Spread the cost

    It’s not always possible to pay for your holiday upfront. With us, qualifying customers can book now and pay later in instalments that suit you. It’s the new way.

  • Make it affordable

    You can credit you account with an affordable monthly amount then redeem it towards your dream holiday. Sign in to see where you can afford to travel with your credit.

  • Spend less with us

    We compare hundreds of flights across different websites to ensure we show you the cheapest price for your desired route.

  • Notifications that you want

    We put control back in your hands. Get notified on ONLY the things you care about . We’ll let you know if your chosen flight drops in price. We’ll even predict the best time to book.

  • Dashing dashboard

    Our website and interface is Uber easy to use. We offer travel news on your top destinations, an itinerary planning tool and showcase trending destination.

  • Customer service like no other

    We know you’re human and sometimes want to talk to another human. So in addition to our comprehensive FAQ section, we’re also available on email and webchat.

Our mission

Our mission is to empower people to see more of the world. Our aim is to free our users and enable them to book a holiday for themselves, their friends or loved ones. Flyup aims to achieve this by offering a new, smarter and affordable way to book a holiday.

From quick city breaks to long soul-searching adventures, Flyup offers users the tools to plan every aspect of their holiday, from an intuitive itinerary to a travel calendar to help manage multiple or group trips.

Our price comparison tool shows you the cheapest time to travel and ensures you’re paying a fair price. By offering monthly payments, Flyup tackles the biggest obstacle that has stopped you from seeing more of the world.

Be free and Flyup

How it works

  • Step 1: Choose a membership

    Choose from our FREE or paid memberships to unlock the full potential of Flyup and gain access to all of the useful tools.

  • Step 2: Configure your preferences

    Set your preferences such as: monthly top-up; destinations; home airport; and more. This allows our algorithm to send you the best prices for your dream holiday.

  • Step 3: Book your holiday

    Pick one of our offers and book your dream holiday. Can’t afford it straight away? No problem, Flyup offer a Buy Now Pay Later scheme to make your dream holiday a reality.

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